Friday, 21 October 2016

Actors in my photos

The actor in my photos will be my friend Isaac in year 9.
He is a student in a lower year so it will make people feel the lower years are smart.
I organised to meet him after school at 3PM on Wednesday


today I learnt how to manipulate photos in Photoshop using layers and adding text.

I have also cropped the photo so it obeys the rule of thirds better.

I might include some headlines next as well as a logo to make it look more like a magazine cover.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Pre lim task

Out if all of the photos this one is the most suitable for a magazine cover 
Im using it because it obeys the rule of thirds and the background is very clear and uncluttered.
It also shows the school is smart and the environments are clean and uncluttered.

Pre lim task

these are the photos I collected.


For my photos I am planning to have a student from a lower year working in front of a computer, also I may include other props. I'm planning to use the media room because the room is tidy and it has white walls making it easier to edit, the apple macs also make it look more

I've arranged to meet a friend from a lower year after school to take some photos around the 6th form block.